Every Monday and Wednesday from 5-6pm at both locations of Kids Garden, the kids turn everyday things you may put in the trash into beautiful works of art. Eco Art uses natural and recycled materials to create masterpieces.
From toilet paper rolls, cardboard, natural paintbrushes and more, our creative teachers help your child understand how to use their creativity just by using every day items. Especially now that the sun doesn't set until later in the evening, this is wonderful way to let your children enjoy time together doing something creative instead of just watching an iPad. Because the kids love it so much, several of their parents save toilet paper rolls and cardboard and give it to us so they can create even more. An easy way to learn about recycling as well.
We'd love to see you at our next Eco Art. And if you have any questions, call or stop by and we'd be happy to go over all the programs we have for your children. Have a happy day!